Integrity Advantage

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FWA Program Pitfalls 1

In case you missed Integrity Advantage’s most recent webinar, Three FWA Program Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them, here is a synopsis of the first challenge from President, Jala Attia.

So, if you didn’t get to attend our webinar which was on March 29th, we talked about three fraud, waste, and abuse program pitfalls. We’re going to just dive into pitfall number one really quickly for you so that you know what to look for. All right, so pitfall number one that we tend to see with fraud, waste, and abuse programs, at least in the time that we’ve done assessments, and we’ve done a lot of assessments, is: not reading the signs and symptoms of an unhealthy program.

What do these symptoms and signs look like? It really depends. Every program is different, and sometimes you don’t even realize it’s a symptom. But you’ve got to kind of take the symptoms together and say, could this be an issue for me? Some of the symptoms look like a lack of passion on your team, complacency (if everybody’s really comfortable doing just the bare minimum, declining productivity, things that potentially take some time to be seen, even just sloppy work product, low morale. These are all signs of a program that potentially is having some struggles and things that you definitely want to catch before you’ve got a bigger event, like you’re starting to lose people, so attrition is really high. You get audited and you’ve got some findings that aren’t so great. Take a look at these signs.

If you see any of these, they may not all happen at the same time. You may have some of the signs happening a year prior to some other ones, or maybe they are happening at the same time. Keep your eyes open. If you start to see things like this, you could have a potential issue on your hands. And the best way to remedy that is to make sure that you define processes, that you build accountability on your team, and that you create a strong culture. There’s a lot of different ways to do all those different things but, I’m limited in my time for this video, so I’m going to stop there. Please reach out if you have any questions or you want to know a little bit more. Thank you so much for watching. We’ll talk to you soon. Bye.

Integrity Advantage is the way healthcare payers reimagine the value of their fraud, waste and abuse program.

We provide FWA services to payers around the country. If you need a program assessment, program growth strategy, investigations, medical reviews or training support -- reach out today.

We are a certified Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) and an Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business (EDWOSB).

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