With the expiry of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) as of May 11, 2023 at 11:59pm, healthcare is slowly getting back to “normal”. With rules and regulations ever shifting, it can be hard to determine what’s the new normal, and detecting Fraud Waste and Abuse (FWA) can be a moving target.
Read MoreWith the sheer volume of complaints and referrals that make their way to the SIU, it’s no wonder many teams are overwhelmed with case backlogs. Check out our most recent article where we share how you can improve SIU effectiveness in 3 easy steps.
Read MoreIn our years of doing program assessments, we've learned a lot. In this video we recap the Top 3 Program Pitfalls that we covered during a recent webinar.
Read MoreIf you’ve been following along with the Integrity Advantage articles you know we feel strongly about the importance of medical record reviews. Essentially, these records are evidence that is critical to the case. One particular area that can be confusing (among many others) is anesthesia. Anesthesia records may appear daunting, but they do not have to be!
Read MoreIntegrity Advantage was thrilled to participate in the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association’s Annual Training Conference in Orlando during the week of November 14th.
Read MoreWe’ve been asked what we mean when we say #FreeTheSIU? Check out our latest blog post to better understand why we are pushing health payers to #FreeTheSIU!
Read MoreWatch our webinar recording to learn how both a coding and a clinical perspective can add value in the medical review process and support successful investigative outcomes.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered whether you should have a coder or a nurse perform a medical review? You are not alone. In this article, a few of Integrity Advantages nurses and coders share the different, yet valuable perspectives that that each bring to the table when doing a medical review and how to leverage these insights for better investigative outcomes.
Read MoreIntegrity Advantage had a fabulous time hosting our first booth at the National Association of Medicaid Program Integrity, or NAMPI, conference. One of our Rockstars, Cailin Kehoe, shares her impressions as a first-time attendee of this conference.
Read MoreApplied Behavior Analysis (ABA) cases have been a hot topic - even more so since the pandemic. Many plans are finding that these investigations and medical reviews are far more complex than typical FWA cases and require great collaboration among investigators and clinical staff. Download our article to learn the best ways to tackle the ABA cases in your pipeline.
Read MoreWe see an exorbitant amount of claim lines and dollars paid for genetic tests that don't meet documentation standards. Check out this video to learn more about a particular case reviewed by Integrity Advantage Rockstar Monique Mayes LPN, CPC and gather takeaways to apply to your investigations.
Read MoreMost medical review teams do not have an active role in sampling. However, understanding that the review of an allegation may require an investigator to request records in a certain manner can make the difference between a strong case and one that is indefensible. But how do you destress the sampling process? Having a clear process in place is just one step. You really should include the medical review perspective before you sample. This article shares some key considerations to include in your sampling process to ensure an effective fraud, waste and abuse medical review.
Read MoreMedical reviews are a critical part of many FWA investigations. It isn’t enough to simply look at them as line-by-line results. Drive more value by kicking it up a notch. In this article, we share 5 ways to take your medical review process to the next level.
Read MoreSafeguarding the integrity of your medical record review is critical during a fraud, waste and abuse investigation, as it can be closely scrutinized when there is provider push-back. Conditions of Payment in FWA are often overlooked and can have a significant impact on the outcome of the medical review. This article provides information that FWA leaders should consider when determining what are acceptable reasons to deny payment and recommendations to help safeguard the integrity of the investigative process.
Read MoreWhat do the following have in common: Communication/Relationships, Access, Organization and Conditions of Payment?They’re the building blocks of an effective medical review. Listen to this discussion for a firsthand perspective from our clinicians and coders!
Read MoreHere’s part 2 of that video which shows how you can use an Advanced Filter to narrow down your data. Never used an advanced filter? Watch on! It allows you to quickly and easily filter down a dataset on 1 or more column(s) of criteria. I find it to be quicker and easier than using vlookups or index match functions (not to mention there’s no concatenation required).
Read MoreMost FWA programs rely on recoveries and savings as the measure of success. But there is another critical component that's a hidden risk and amounts to big dollars: Prevented Losses. We are bringing prevented losses to the forefront, not just in concept, but also in terms of the financial impact on healthcare payment integrity. This article discusses challenges that continue to exist and what we need to do as an industry in order to continue to evolve the value of our FWA programs.
Read MoreMany investigative teams fear being expendable. Some resist new technology capabilities because they feel threatened. This fear is rooted in process - steps they are expected follow when working investigations. This video prompts the question - are you building a team of thinkers or a team of robots?
Read MoreNo matter what tools you may use, nearly everyone will use Excel files of claims data at some point in the process of doing an FWA investigation. This video shows you a way to isolate boiler plate billing using a cool Excel hack.
Read MoreOne common question we all grapple with is how long we should leave a provider on prepay? Watch this video to learn some of our tips related to prepay monitoring of providers and what you should do if you aren't sure how to handle a provider that consistently bills inappropriately.
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